Monday, December 29, 2008

On Dingdong and Karylle's Break Up

Just not right.

More than a month ago, we've heard this heart-breaking news about Dingdong Dantes' break up with his long term girlfriend Karylle. It was so sudden the everyone, be it the people in the showbiz industry or not, were so shocked that everyone was like, "Anong nangyari?" Everybody thinks these 2 were so inseparable. They have been together since, I don't know, 3 years? They have a business in which they were partners and if there's any relationship that was not rocked with intrigues, it was theirs. So everyone was so puzzled about the break up. Especially because of the fact that it was Dingdong who initiated the break up.

Now, I know that some of you would say that I am so baduy because I actually posted a blog about this issue. To tell you honestly, I could care even less - if not for Marian Rivera.

A lot of people seem to think that Marian has something to do with the break up. Marian has been interviewed for several times already and she said, on countless occasions, that she is innocent. But people are still putting the blame on her, even calling her names like anaconda and ahas.

Dingdong, on his official statement, said that there was no third party involved and emphasized that Marian has nothing to do with it. He said that their priorities shifted and they won't be able to do it together (with Kharylle) anymore. His statement coincided with Marian's as she also stated that she doesn't know anything about the break up.

"Kung ano man ang meron sila and nangyari sa kanila, wala akong kinalaman 'dun at labas ako 'dun," Marian said in her interview with John Lapus in Showbiz Central.

Any fool would see the consistency on Marian's and Dingdong's statements. So I don't see the reason why some people would still continue calling Marian a mang-aagaw and Dingdong a manloloko.

I'm not saying this just because I am a fan of Marian, not to mention their love team. I repeat, this issue doesn't affect me in any major way. Prejudice aside, I'm stating this because it's just starting to go way beyond the borders - calling innocent people horrible names and assuming things that we have nothing to do and know nothing about.

On the other hand, I know Karylle's pain, I've been there (almost). The man whom you have given your love and support for 3 years will suddenly tell you that you both need to set your priorities - without him on your side. My sympathy was with her when she was asked about how she felt. She simply said, "It wasn't overnight. It was a slow, painful death." You can really tell, just by this statement, that she really loved Dingdong.

But what shocked me, together with other people in the News and Entertainment (especially in GMA 7), was when Karylle had this interview with Boy Abunda in The Buzz. Here's what happened:

See what I'm talking about? I mean, what the heck was that all about? What's with the smile, anyway? That smile gave her a bad image right after that interview. I was totally disappointed with what I saw. It was like she was giving malice to Boy Abunda's question. No wonder the poster of the video added some little "extra" to it. *laughs*

For Marian, you know the truth and I know you're telling it. Don't be afraid of what other people will say. You and Dingdong know what's happening and we thank you for sharing it with us.

For Dingdong, if you think you made the right decision, we support you all the way. Don't let this get in the way of your career. You have a promising future ahead of you.

For Karylle, I don't know what to say. Just be yourself, girl. Sympathy is to be earned, not demanded.

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