Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Slam Dunk Movie 3

Ok, so here's the third Slam Dunk movie. This movie focused on the game between Shohoku and Ryokufu. That girl manager is getting on my nerves! Beat the hell out of her, Ayako-san! Anyway, let's get on with it before my IT department decides to block YouTube out of our company connection. ^-^'


I must say that I loved this movie. First of, I just love my Kiminobu in here. 'Til now, I'm still amazed by the fact that he got a rebound, great and I mean great ball handling skills and for Kami-sama's sake, he ran after the ball and crashed two times. I was already at the edge of my seat that time. If it wasn't for him, the others wouldn't have realized that they need to recover from their loss against Kainan. It was Kiminobu who told them that. I almost died when I saw blood oozing out of Kiminobu's nose. No one would want the gentle and friendly vice captain to be hurt. Certainly not me. I gotta tell you I almost jumped into my monitor. But then I remained calm becuase I know the Hisashi will always be there for him *giggles*. This movie is just so heart warming, I'm actually having this pleasant feeling that I really couldn't classify, but I know it's something good. My onii-chan did great too and I would always be very proud of him no matter what, my Hisashi, as usual, did great on his 3 point shots. Funny how he said he'd still be playing in the winter. He just loved Shohoku that much. Hanamichi, great rebounds of course. Demo, too bad his dunk was not counted. Nahahahaha of course time was already over when he did it. But I love that fake move he did in front of Michael Okita. That's something that we don't see everyday from the tensai. And Kaede... ok I won't say anything 'cause we all know it anyway, ne? In this movie, credit goes to Kogure Kiminobu *claps hands*. Kimi dachi wa tsuyoi!!!


Yumi: Nice movie, dessho?

Sakuragi: ...

Yumi: Doushita, Hanamichi? You've been unusually quiet after the movie ended.

Mitsui: He's still upset about that dunk. But I gotta admit, the fake was nice.

Rukawa: Just like Yumi said, it's something you don't see everyday.

Sakuragi: If only it went in...

Kogure: Maa maa, Sakuragi. We still won, ne?

Rukawa: Proved that it didn't matter if that dunk went in or not.

Kogure: H-hehehe. Ok minna, mind if we watch the fourth movie?

Yumi: Ok, I'll find it. *looks at Kogure* Anou, Kiminobu.

Kogure: Nan da, Yumi-chan?

Yumi: You were really amazing on that movie. It was like looking to a whole new Kiminobu. The other regarded you as weak, which I really detested. They've never been more wrong in their life when they said that.

Kogure: Ah, I just did what I need to do, Yumi-chan. A turn around was needed during the game.

Mitsui: You should've seen her face during the part where you crashed and collapsed, Kogure.

Kogure: Sou ka.

Rukawa: Swear to Kami-sama.

Yumi: *blushes* A-anou...

Kogure: Arigato, Yumi-chan. *hugs Yumi*

Rukawa: ...

Mitsui: ...

Yumi: And by the way, Kiminobu. Ayako-san was right. You should get contacts instead. Those beautiful brown eyes you've got, they don't deserve to be hidden under those eyeglasses. You look so dashing without them.

Mitsui: Now, she's talking.

Kogure: *blushes* S-sou ka? But contacts are a bit expensive, don't you think?

Rukawa: I know an eye doctor who administers contacts for students. It's not that expensive. I can talk to him if you want.

Yumi: Really, Kaede?

Rukawa: Kogure-sempai deserves a great gift after what he did, ne?

Mitsui: Sou da ne. For the mean time, let's just watch the fourth movie.

Kogure is still hugging Yumi, by the way...


(The dialogue thing is real. I talk to the SD boys. In my mind, that is. But they're not mine. They belong Takehiko Inoue. I'm just borrowing them. I don't think I have plans of returning them, though. I know, I'm weird. So what? Sue me!)


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