Monday, February 02, 2009

The Happenings I

After what almost felt like an eternity to me, here I am... again.

My last entry was on December 31, 2008. After that, I wasn't able to post - until now. I have been freakingly busy after I returned to my original team from QBC. My schedule became surprisingly unbearable probably because I became accustomed to my QBC schedule. Due to that, I didn't find enough time to post an entry here.

The TLs are on a getaway. Well, not really a getaway since it also involves their work but they're on a beach resort (I would personally call it a work getaway). That's why I have the nerve to put in another entry here. ;)

Last January 5th, my dad brought home this cute little puppy who's so furry, I couldn't stop hugging her. They said that her breed is a Japanese Akita. She's very playful and man, she eats a lot! No wonder she's grown so much. We love her a lot and she's a great addition to the family. It's almost as if we were just taking care of a child - with ADHD, that is. That's why I just got so worried last Monday when she wouldn't eat a thing the whole morning. Probably because of the bone that Dad gave her and that she was already suffering from indigestion at that time, I'm not sure. But I'm glad her appetite's back and I think she's ok now.


Now, you guys tell me. Have you ever encountered a mother who's willing to starve her son to death just because he doesn't have a job? Well I have.

Well I can say that they all ruined my boyfriend's life. He had to stop studying because of financial struggles (because his dad, who's supposed to support them, is having an affair with another woman), his parents got separated, had to find a job while his freaking family sucked his earnings out of him. When he told his mother that he wants to study again, she kept on insisting that he should be working instead. I was like, why? I mean, she doesn't have to spend a fortune since someone else will be paying for his studies, right? So what's the point?

Just recently, he told me that he had this huge fight with his mom (again). I don't quite understand how it started but what's bad is that she told him to never eat the food from their table because he didn't even drop a sweat for it, to get out of the house because he doesn't own it and that he can only eat if he finds a job. I mean, the devil! She had the nerve to say this to her own son when her nephew is just sleeping, doing nothing all day. Call me judgmental, whatever. The hell I care. But that's how I see her. Mukhang pera. And my boyfriend's suffering? Parang wala lang. She doesn't care. Her day will come, I'm sure of that.

I want to do the revenge for my boyfriend. I'd love to see the look on her face if my boyfriends gets a job. If my boyfriend shows her everything that he bought with his money, I want her to beg. I want her to be on her knees begging. But of course that's me. I'm sure my boyfriend won't do that. I'm sure that he still loves his family. But I hope he has learned his lesson already.

Well, that's it. I promise to post here regularly. 'Til then. :D :D :D

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