Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Slam Dunk DVD At Hand


Mitsui Hisashi - 14
Kogure Kiminobu - 5
Rukawa Kaede - 11
Miyagi Ryota - 7
Sakuragi Hanamichi - 10
Akagi Takenori - 4

Episodes 46, 47 and so on. These are the episodes that I don't have with my new Slam Dunk DVD. *smiles widely*

Episode 46 - Shoyo's Last Match

In this episode, Akagi's Shohoku won against Fujima's Shoyo. I feel really, really happy for the guys. Although I pity Fujima since he poured his whole dedication to this game. He was a great player (although he was no match to Miyagi) and a great coach too. And super great job to Akagi for all those signature Gori dunks, Rukawa for the best ball handling and shooting maneuvers ever, Sakuragi for the Noli Locsin-alike rebounds and to my Mitsui for all the 3 points you have made which made the team catch up to Shoyo's score. Gosh, can any team be better than you guys? Ike, Ike Shohoku!


Yumi: Anou, Hisashi...

Mitsui: Nani, Yumi-chan?

Yumi: You really did great in this match. It was because of your beautiful three point shots that made the team catch up with Shoyo... *blushes*

Mitsui: Didn't you know that they were all for you, Yumi-chan?

Yumi: *blushes even more* Eh? Eeto...

Rukawa: Yare yare.

Mitsui: Nan da yo, Rukawa?

Rukawa: ...

Yumi: Anou, Mitsui. When you slept in the locker room.

Mitsui: Yeah? What about it?

Yumi: Anou... You look... eeto... dazzling...

Mitsui: Sou ka?

Yumi: S-sou yo.

Rukawa: ...

Yumi: Maa maa, my Kaede. You know very well that you are always dazzling, ne?

Rukawa: You better be right about that, Yumi.

Yumi: Aren't I always? *winks*


(The dialogue really happened. I always talk to the SD boys. In my mind, that is. But these boys aren't mine. They belong to Takehiko Inoue. I'm just borrowing them, though I doubt if I even have plans of returning them. Yeah, yeah I know I'm weird, so what? Sue me!)


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