Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Slam Dunk DVD At Hand


Mitsui Hisashi - 14
Kogure Kiminobu - 5
Rukawa Kaede - 11
Miyagi Ryota - 7
Sakuragi Hanamichi - 10
Akagi Takenori - 4

Episodes 46, 47 and so on. These are the episodes that I don't have with my new Slam Dunk DVD. *smiles widely*

Episode 46 - Shoyo's Last Match

In this episode, Akagi's Shohoku won against Fujima's Shoyo. I feel really, really happy for the guys. Although I pity Fujima since he poured his whole dedication to this game. He was a great player (although he was no match to Miyagi) and a great coach too. And super great job to Akagi for all those signature Gori dunks, Rukawa for the best ball handling and shooting maneuvers ever, Sakuragi for the Noli Locsin-alike rebounds and to my Mitsui for all the 3 points you have made which made the team catch up to Shoyo's score. Gosh, can any team be better than you guys? Ike, Ike Shohoku!


Yumi: Anou, Hisashi...

Mitsui: Nani, Yumi-chan?

Yumi: You really did great in this match. It was because of your beautiful three point shots that made the team catch up with Shoyo... *blushes*

Mitsui: Didn't you know that they were all for you, Yumi-chan?

Yumi: *blushes even more* Eh? Eeto...

Rukawa: Yare yare.

Mitsui: Nan da yo, Rukawa?

Rukawa: ...

Yumi: Anou, Mitsui. When you slept in the locker room.

Mitsui: Yeah? What about it?

Yumi: Anou... You look... eeto... dazzling...

Mitsui: Sou ka?

Yumi: S-sou yo.

Rukawa: ...

Yumi: Maa maa, my Kaede. You know very well that you are always dazzling, ne?

Rukawa: You better be right about that, Yumi.

Yumi: Aren't I always? *winks*


(The dialogue really happened. I always talk to the SD boys. In my mind, that is. But these boys aren't mine. They belong to Takehiko Inoue. I'm just borrowing them, though I doubt if I even have plans of returning them. Yeah, yeah I know I'm weird, so what? Sue me!)


Sunday, March 08, 2009

With Beauty Gone

I just wasn't ready for it.

The day I went to Hinigaran, I had this feeling that I shouldn't leave my dog, Beauty, alone at home. She had been sick the day before that and I really didn't want to leave her. But I did. I thought she was going to be ok. She seemed ok before I left her. I arrived at my boyfriend's house and in the morning, I felt really uneasy. I had this feeling that I should go home soon and see Beauty.

When I didn't see her when I arrived home, I became fearful of what might have become of her. I looked for her all over the house, but I didn't see her. I heard my neighbor talking to my dad about her and I immediately went to him. When I asked him about Beauty, the dreaded words came.

"She's gone. She's dead," my dad sadly said. Of course, since our neighbors were there with us, I showed no emotion. But after that, I went inside my room and cried. I wasn't ready for this. I thought it was too early for her to be taken away from us. She was a good dog and we all loved her. We were always happy with her. That's why I just cried. I'm terribly missing her already.

I don't know if she can ever be replaced by another dog. She's so special to me. Everytime I see her pictures in my phone, tears would always fall from my eyes. I will never forget her. In fact, I'll probably be missing her forever. I'll probably be posting pictures of her soon.

Monday, March 02, 2009

On Chances And Opportunities

Campus Radio 107.1! Ah, Gwapo Ah! Gatas!

I can still clearly recall this tag line when I was working as a Junior Jock for the radio station mentioned above. I had so much fun back then: going on air to greet people and do ad libs, answering request calls and having fun with the DJs and my fellow JJs. One experience that I could never forget.

My boyfriend told me that Campus Radio is looking for a DJ right now. A good opportunity that I shouldn't let it slip from my grasp, I thought. This is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. The job that I love, and it's on its vacancy right now. So I have decided to apply on Monday. I know that God will be there for me. I've done it before and with God's help, why not the second time, right. I'll be praying hard. Please pray for me, too.